Leapcraft at Niras Green Tech Hub
Leapcraft is at Niras this summer as part of the companies selected to be at the Green Tech Hub. We provide sensors and software for creating good indoor climate and save energy in buildings.
Meet AirBird, our award winning Indoor Air quality sensor*
At Leapcraft we believe that clean indoor air is as important as organic food and sustainable clothing. Meet AirBird, a little canary that gently reminds you to ventilate with little chirps or light signals when the indoor climate is poor.
Buy AirBird
*Use code AIRBIRD-NIRAS to get a 10% discount
The AirBird® has been ideated, designed and developed in co-creation between GXN, VELUX Group and Leapcraft. Designed in Denmark, made in the EU. © 2020, Leapcraft ApS.AirBird® is manufactured & sold by Leapcraft ApS. CVR: 35472762